Cant download whatsapp on bluestacks
Cant download whatsapp on bluestacks

On Bluestacks, we managed to install WhatsApp but got a verification failed error. Then WhatsApp automatically pulls that code to register your device. It sends a verification code via SMS and checks whether your registered phone number received that text message. While older versions of Whatsapp let you manually enter the verification code received on another device, WhatsApp no longer lets you enter the verification code manually.

cant download whatsapp on bluestacks

Once that is done, you can install most games and apps - some, which rely on a working SIM card for confirmation, such as WhatsApp, won't run on your PC.

  • 5) You'll have to log in using your Google account once you search Google Play for apps.
  • Click the big search icon at the top > type the name of the app > select "Search Play for." to get the apps from Google Play.
  • Now you'll see a window in which Android is up and running.
  • Just click the "Close" button when you see the pop-up to start Bluestacks. You might see a notification saying that your graphics driver needs to be updated.
  • Run Bluestacks when the installation is complete.
  • cant download whatsapp on bluestacks

    The instructions are straightforward, similar to installing any other programme on your computer.

    cant download whatsapp on bluestacks

  • Now open the setup file and follow on-screen instructions to install Bluestacks.
  • Click on the download button for Windows on the left or Mac on the right.
  • Go to Bluestacks and click on Download App Player.
  • Here's how to get it running on your computer. Getting other solutions - such as the official Android SDK - to run, was more of a challenge, and in the end, we feel that Bluestacks is fast, reliable and easy to use, making it the only choice for most users.

    cant download whatsapp on bluestacks

    We tested several different ways to run Android apps on PCs, but only one app was able to perform reliably - Bluestacks. You can now find Android in phones, tablets, hybrid devices, wearable devices such as watches, home appliances and soon the OS will be a part of cars too.

    Cant download whatsapp on bluestacks